No body exactly knows when that hidden city located under the Black Rock desert was created. PIRATES ISLAND can shelter under the surface of the ground. However, protected by a system that delivers the ultimate radar and visual concealment, the city can be brought to the surface, by the use of anti-gravitational two-ways cylinders, which thus exerts the required pressure. The rumor says the city it self could be a giant ship.
This enigmatic desert town, is as much as place to live for the Farlandes as a construction site for their machines. And La Fiama built a consecutive number of his vehicles or SoundRunners there.
PIRATES ISLAND, houses a luch garden of fruit trees and cultures wich makes the city self-sufficient for centuries. An artificial lake hidden under the facilities provides as well, necessary water and power energy
The collector facilities channeling
water used by the PIRATES ISLAND CITY, may collect or even create water kept under the desert.