The KR 1953 represent the first concept created by La Fiama as a mix of a Supracar and a SoundRunner, as some guitars are also "resting" under the front trunk.
Built in 1953 this first KR is a mix of retro elegance and very advanced technologies. Using no gas tanks to feed the engines (hidden in the wheels) and move the vehicle, the energy power is coming from the painting it self. First the paint "catches" the solar energy wich will be stocked batteries located in the tires. Then it is the friction of the air against the vehicle body (while moving) that will activates like a dynamo, a paint ability to render a powerfull energy source. And send it to the batteries again.
With This first KR, La Fiama proposed at the Geneva Motor Show in 1953, the first rotative"Elytre" doors ever built on a car.
But when Sonic Forge presented that vehicle it was with a classic atmosphercical motor engine (back position similar to Porsche). In order to not attract to much attention on the Sonic Forge real activities.
The KR KALIFORNIA was created for The KALIFORNIA RACE by La Fiama. An event promoted by Sonic Forge and the Fontaine Barenton Fondation, to rase money for schools creation around the world. Using only the energy from the sun, the powerfull KR Kalifornia (speed limited electronically to 300 kms) became a powerfull emblem for the two entities and a worlwide succesfull charity event.
Launched in 2015 this race challenges all the best pilotes in the world from any categories (F1, Rally, Stock Cars etc...).
Sonic Forge refused a military contract to sale the KR.
At night, during the races the wheels generate an impressive light effect for the audience to see.